- +44 (0) 28 6772 2122
- info@sharevillage.org
- Northern Ireland Charity Number NIC101204
Festive Roller Skating
Available 27th December – 4th January
“Took the children over the weekend, they had a fabulous time! Would highly recommend this. Great for the rainy days. “
SHARE roller skating rink will be available daily from 27th December – 4th January:
Friday – 6-7pm; 7.30 -8.30pm
Saturday – 3pm-4pm; 4.30pm – 5.30pm; 6pm – 7pm; 7.30pm – 8.30pm
Sunday – 11am-12pm; 12.30pm – 1.30pm; 2pm – 3pm; 3.30pm – 4.30pm
30th December – 4th Jan – 3pm-4pm; 4.30pm – 5.30pm; 6pm – 7pm; 7.30pm – 8.30pm
- £10 for adults / children over 3
- £30 for a family of 4 (2 Adults & 2 Children)
- £40 for a family of 5 (2 Adults & 3 Children)
- £50 for a family of 6 (2 Adults & 4 Children)
Under 5s must be accompanied by a paying adult on the rink.
* Please note that adults accompanying children over 5 are not required to purchase a ticket unless they are taking part with their children.*
Group Bookings of 20 or more can be made by emailing info@sharevillage.org or telephoning +44 (0) 28 677 22122
Every person taking part in Roller Skating provided by Share Discovery Village is required to read and complete an activity disclaimer prior to their booked session. By signing the document you are accepting that you have read and understood all of the information and risks associated with this activity.
The use of a skating rink and its facilities have an inherent risk. Therefore, any participation is totally at the user’s own risk. No responsibility is accepted or undertaken for the well-being of either the user or their property.
The management reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to refuse admission or remove anyone without a ticket or not abiding by the rules.
You must NOT partake in any activity if you do not feel you have understood the briefings and/or instructions. If you require more assistance please do not hesitate to ask a member of the team. All participants must obey all instructions given by Share staff at all times. Share Discovery Village reserves the right to terminate any activity with immediate effect if staff feel participants are not following the rules and the following instructions.
General Disclaimer
- Strictly no alcohol or non-prescription drugs are to be consumed before or during the activity. If any member of staff deem that you are under the influence of any such substance, you will not be permitted to take part in the activity.
- All rented equipment must remain on site and returned to the designated area after use. The equipment remains the property of Share Discovery Village and in the event of any damage being caused to the equipment through fault of the user, the participant is liable to pay for repair/replacement.
- All participants must understand that roller skating can be a dangerous activity. Whilst all efforts are made to safeguard our customers from such dangers, accidents and injuries can happen. In agreeing to take part in this activity and signing the disclaimer, you are acknowledging these dangers and agree to participate at your own risk.
- Hazards include (but not limited to); slips, trips, falls, bruises, cuts, skeletal/muscular injuries from skating or moving equipment. I accept exposure to the aforementioned hazards and do not hold Share Discovery Village responsible for injuries obtained.
- Share Discovery Village is not liable for damage or loss to persons property however incurred;
- All existing injuries or health issues that may be affected by you taking part in this activity must be reported to Share staff before taking part and noted in the appropriate section of this disclaimer (e.g. Heart Problems, Asthma, Diabetes, Allergies).
- Threatening behaviour towards any staff or other visitor on site is not tolerated. Any behaviour of this sort will result in you being asked to leave the site.
- Our minimum age for children on their own is 6 years old. Younger children can go on the rink provided a parent/guardian accompanies them. This is at the discretion of the management.
- All participants must understand and be aware that Share Discovery Village is a busy site with cars and people accessing and leaving the site.